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Price: €14.00
Pure pig bunches
Size: 1 kg circa
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is a typical plate of Italian culinary tradition. It appeared in the times of Cicero, who soon became enthusiastic about this poor


: so easy to preserve and with a special flavor. He decanted it in many of his works.

But who is the invention of the


? Many regions, in fact, claim the paternity of this

pork sausage

and contend the natives; Lombardy or Venetian origins? It is difficult to know because it is spread throughout Italy, from North to South, but Lucania (Basilicata, Campania and Calabria) is perhaps the true home country of



How do we prepare sausage?

Knowing its origin , unclear in reality, we can move to its preparation that is no difficult. All you need are the right tools and ingredients.

Meat grinds (preferably frozen in order to be able to work more compactly the pork)
Piece of meat to treat, such as pork shoulder and fresh lard or bacon
Natural or synthetic bowels to fill
>Herbs and spices to flavor the meat and make it more tasty

Firstly the

lean part of pork

is mixed with the lard , then, it is ground and processed with salt, black pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg depending on the different regional recipes. After the mixture is filled into a natural or synthetic bowels and divided in many pieces with twine that separates the extremities.

It is a really easy process and it has made famous the

Tuscan sausage

all around the world, also thanks to the many recipes in which it is used.

Thousands of sausage recipes

Salamella, Tuscan sausage, knife tip sausage, luganega

, any way you want it to be called, sausage is the undisputed queen of many recipes, which have different regional aftertastes depending on the origin.
Great in ragù, it is perfect for accompanying risotto and has a pair with the "friarelli" in the Neapolitan tradition. The Tuscan sausage is tasty even eaten alone, roasted or with sauce.

But which is the most popular recipe?
For sure sausage with sauce, ideal as a second course and very much appreciated by children of all ages. A simple plates hat is prepared in less than 30 minutes.

Simply add the

Tuscan sausage

to the well-cooked tomato and cook for 5 to 10 minutes. Add salt and serve hot.

Perfect for pasta!

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